九零設研所 THE 90s LAB - 視覺識別 Visual Identity
THE 90s LAB 九零設研所,專注於設計美學與商業的新可能。由一群90世代的夥伴們所組成,集合了各領域的專才,一同激盪出各種火花。團隊成員過去也曾榮獲德國紅點設計獎、新一代設計獎的肯定。
THE 90s LAB aims at exploring the new possibility of aesthetics and business. The team comprises a group of people born in 90s, bringing experts in various fields together to ignite the light of inspiration.Members have won Red Dot Design Award, Young Designers’ Exhibition Award and Golden Pin Design Award.
Services related to branding design, including brand identity, graphic design, marketing proposal, product development and photography are provided. Our core values are “Creativity”, “Quality” and “Details”. We hold these beliefs to work on every project hand in hand with our clients. We dedicated to improve the quality of our service, bringing the ideas of design and branding to various industries to create best achievement and value.